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Химия 8-9 классы Методическое пособие Издательство: Дрофа Мягкая обложка, 80 стр ISBN 5-7107-1985-4 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм) инфо 11575n.

Методическое пособие составляет единый комплект с учебниками ОС Габриеляна "Химия 8" и "Химия 9" Пособие содержит примерное тематическое планирование учебного материала 8 и 9 классов и аюаащметодические рекомендации к урокам по наиболее сложным темам Авторы Олег Габриелян Анна Яшукова.

The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management Серия: Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series инфо 11577n.

As the thinkers have said, you should strive in all situations to know yourself and know your enemy Most of history's great thinkers, however, were not in business In business, you have to know your customerаюааь and understand how your company interacts with him or her The current term for this is customer relationship management (CRM), and The CRM Handbook is the best textbook for managers on the mechanics of CRM It's a standout in a field that's filled with squishy books бльутthat go on at length about how important CRM is, but which lack details Jill Dyché provides lots of factual information, real case studies, carefully considered commentary, and reasoned criteria with which to evaluate CRM products and strategies Though you'll certainly want to supplement Dyché's work with vendors' product literature and implementation proposals, you'll get a lot from her carefully researched book Dyché devotes some of her (fairly slender) volume to CRM backgroundбслъи information but quickly gets to the issues that managers confronted with CRM decisions need to consider She makes great use of bulleted lists, scorable quizzes, and checklists (sections about what questions to ask vendors, and why, are particularly good) that you can use right now to gauge any organization's suitability to CRM and determine how they need to change in order to get the most out of their systems --David Wall Topics covered: Customer relationship management (CRM)--as a business practiceand as a set of technologies--explained for managers and corporate planners CRM fundamentals, CRM product selection, and internal promotion of CRM are all covered well Автор Jill Dyche.

CRM for the Common Man Издательство: Peak Sales Consulting, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 0-9728263-0-0 инфо 11579n.

CRM For The Common Man, by Russ Lombardo, identifies and discusses a business’ planning process, how to develop a CRM strategy for a business, and what needs to be done to ensure success of a customer relationаюаббship implementation Since most businesses on average lose 50% of their customers every 5 years, a core objective of CRM is to improve customer retention This is a critical business issue today and CRM can help to improve this for most companies CRM For The Common Maбльууn helps businesses navigate through the confusion to guarantee a solid foundation for a successful CRM implementation CRM For The Common Man serves as a business-planning tool for any company It provides practical, real-world advice and guidance for businesses wanting to implement a strategy to help retain their customers This book does not recommend, compare, or evaluate CRM products, nor does it discuss technical implementations Instead, CRM For The Common Man focuses on how tбслъмo plan for a CRM implementation, rather than just how to do one.

Crm in a Week (In a Week) Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 0340857668 инфо 11581n.

Автор Брайян Селтер Brian Salter Crm in a Week (In бфмяф a Week).

CRM in Financial Services: A Practical Guide to Making Customer Relationship Management Work 2002 г Суперобложка, 700 стр ISBN 0749436964 инфо 11583n.

Customer Relationship Management, CRM, has been one of the strongest areas of management focus in financial services companies throughout the world over the last five years While it is forecast that this willаюабц continue for the next five years, many companies are struggling with their CRM programs They have rushed ahead with the purchase of new CRM systems, but have not done the work to ensure that these systems are deployed effectively Drawing on the authors' extensive бльуэexperience of working with companies to successfully implement and manage their CRM programs, this book devotes itself exclusively to showing how organizations in insurance, banking, and other financial services can improve their CRM, and achieve their desired return on investment Packed with illuminating international case studies and examples based on extensive global consulting and research carried out or commissioned by IBM over the last five years, the book begins with a detailбслъуed analysis of the state of CRM and e-business in the financial services globally, and then goes on to provide comprehensive and practical guidance on making the most of the customer base; systems and data management; risk and compliance; channels and value chain issues; implementation, and strategic implications Авторы Мерлин Стоун Merlin Stone Мерлин Стоун - профессор, ведущий специалист в области прямого маркетинга и маркетинга взаимоотношений, старший менеджер Mummert + Partner UK Ltd, директор ОСi Ltd и Swallow Information Systems Брайян Фосс Bryan Foss.

Уроки русского языка во 2 классе: Ч 2: Из опыта работы: Поурочные разработки к учебнику Поляковой А В (система Занкова Л В ): Книга для учителя 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 5-98527-014-9 инфо 11576n.

Опыт работы учителя начальных классов и его творческое использование Структура уроков русского языка на второе полугодие Развитие наблюдательности и самостоятельного мышления у бфмяс младших школьников.

Русский язык Программа для четырехлетней начальной школы (Система начального обучения Л В Занкова) Издательство: Дом педагогики Мягкая обложка, 50 стр Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм) инфо 11578n.

Программа четырехлетнего начального обучения русскому языку разработана в контексте системы начального обучения ЛВЗанкова, нацеленной на разностороннее развитие учащихся, развитие как познавательной их сферыаюаая, так и эмоционально-волевых, и нравственных качеств Автор Галина Мисаренко.

New Economy Excellence Series, New Economy Emotion: Engaging Customer Passion with e-CRM ISBN 0470841354 инфо 11580n.

The aim of the series is a simple one - to help managers create and sustain competitive advantage in the Internet economy The series pioneers a new generation of business books that take a step back from the аюабжevangelical hype surrounding the Web to provide a sound commercial analysis of the opportunities and pitfalls of the e-business environment The question is no longer whether or why, but how? Books which deal with e-business topics in isolation miss the point The huбльухb of the electronic world - the Internet - is primarily and enabling force It cannot work miracles The brightest sparks are still those with the best ideas, not the most venture capital or marketing spend What these books demonstrate clearly is that the old ways of doing business are not redundant, and that application of sound, practical steps that combine both old and new models will go a long way towards ensuring continued business success Each title in the New Economy Excelleбслъпnce Series is clear-minded, accessible and aimed at bringing a critical business issue in the new economy into sharper focus This series is the first of its kind to provide sound practical steps that busy executives can action immediately no matter where they are on the e-business ladder As befits books concerned with a globalising world, these books take an international perspective Read the front inside flap to see how you can benefit from New Economy Emotion.

Уроки русского языка в 5 классе Издательство: Просвещение Мягкая обложка, 272 стр ISBN 5-09-009951-0 Тираж: 20000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм) инфо 11582n.

В книге освещен опыт работы заслуженного учителя школы Российской Федерации ЕИНикитиной Пособие состоит из двух частей: в первой дается краткое теоретическое обоснование рекомендуемой системы, во второй преаюабхдлагаются разработки уроков по всем разделам программы Последовательность изложения материала здесь та же, что и в учебнике русского языка ТАЛадыженской и др под ред академика РАО НМШанского, однако конкретное содержание уроков, дидактический материал могут оказбльуьать практическую помощь учителям, работающим и по другим учебникам русского языка Пособие рассчитано на творческое использование его учителем 3-е издание, переработанное Автор Екатерина Никитина.

Integrating ERP, CRM, Supply Chain Management, and Smart Materials Издательство: AUERBACH, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 448 стр ISBN 0849310768 инфо 11584n.

This book brings the reader through the transition of ERP, CRM, and Web applications into integrative management tools It addresses issues companies will encounter as they become global providers of Internet-аюабьenabled solutions and explores business opportunities and cost savings The author outlines why the wider application of off-the-shelf programming products, new answers to supply chain requirements, and the advent of smart materials, must be examined within the perspecбльфаtive of each company's business challenges Автор Димитрис Н Чорафас Dimitris N Chorafas.

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