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The Blueprint for CRM Success: Results of a Comprehensive Study Identifying Best Practices Leading To ROI And Factors Contributing To Failure ISBN 0967375789 инфо 11552n.
The Blueprint for CRM Success: Results of a Comprehensive Study Identifying Best Practices Leading To ROI And Factors Contributing To Failure ISBN 0967375789 инфо 11552n.

This blockbuster new CRMGuru study breaks fresh ground in defining how to generate ROI through CRM—while disproving many common myths and mantras that so often lead CRM implementers astray The Blueprint for CаэяюыRM Success is the first statistically valid study to tie not only high level implementation activities—but very specific process steps as well—to ROI performance You won’t find a clearer road map to CRM success The study, by the same research team that produced theбльтб benchmark study, Multi-function CRM Software: how good is it?, also debunks many of the specious analyst polls reporting very high CRM failure rates and provides lists of easy to spot predictors of success and failure that you can apply before you begin implementation The study includes full interpretation of the key data, and Executive Summary of key findings plus an entire "Beyond the Numbers" section with more interpretive comments and valuable support information for CбслщюRM implementers No company should initiate a CRM implementation—or attempt to "fix" a failed implementation—without having this information front and center.