Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) is now recognized as a major poet of striking originality He is widely admired for his particularly vivid expression of feeling, from the religious ecstasy of `The Blessed Virgаэьязin` to the torments of his loneliness and despair in `No Worst`, and for conveying with wonderful freshness his sense of natural beauty in such poems as `The Windhover` and `Pied Beauty` This selection, chosen from the award-winning Oxford Authors critical edition, inблъзуcludes all his major English poems and most of the larger fragments The poems are supported with extensive notes and a useful introduction to Hopkins`s life and poetry Edited by Catherine Phillips Содержание Introduction Предисловие c 11-24 Gerald Manley Hopkins Selected Poetry Роман c 25-287 Автор (показать всех авторов) Джеральд Мэнли Хопкинс Gerard Manley Hopkins.